
Webinar Invitation

We often are asked about how upcoming elections and the current political climate impact stock market returns. To help address some of these questions and concerns, Dimensional Fund Advisors will be hosting an upcoming webinar titled US Elections and Markets: A Look at History. Here are the event details:

  • Date & Time: Friday, September 30that 8:30 a.m. PST
  • Topic Details: Join Dimensional’s Jake DeKinder and Mark Gochnour for a conversation on the relationship between US elections and market performance. During the webcast, they will look at historical data and explain why capturing long-term returns in the capital markets does not depend on which party controls Congress. They will also offer perspective to help investors maintain a long-term investment approach regardless of election results.
  • Registration: Click here to register

We welcome you to register for this event as well as forward the invite to anyone you may know who might benefit from attending!