
Increased Communication Through Texting

Here at Portfolio Advisors, Inc., we are happy to announce that we are able to communicate with all of you via text messaging!

First, our texting phone numbers are as follows:

  • For our Service Team – Jessica, Jesse, & Nathan: 559-206-4947
  • For Tina Mistry: 559-206-1066
  • For AJ Flores: 559-408-5337
  • For Jordan Naffa: 559-272-9935

Please save these numbers in your phone. Please note that our office phone number of 559-432-8400 has not changed.

Second, for your protection and security, we kindly ask that trade requests and withdrawal requests are not made via text. In this day and age of identity theft and security breaches, all trade requests and withdrawal requests will be verbally confirmed by phone.

We hope our new texting numbers provide convenience to each of you and we look forward to our continued work with all of you!